North Metro Surgery Center is a state-of-the-art ambulatory surgery center, where surgeons perform a broad range of outpatient surgical procedures.
Specialties include:
- General Surgery
- Orthopedics
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry
- Pain Management
Spine Surgery Program

The North Metro Surgery Center is one of the select few in the country that offers disc arthroplasty, a break-through treatment for the replacement of discs that stabilizes the spine and corrects disc degeneration and deformity.
Our Spine Surgeons are Board certified in Orthopedic Surgery with specialized training in spinal disorders. Our physicians are actively engaged in clinical research, development of new technologies and outcome management, and lecture both nationally and internationally.
Convalescent Care Center

The Convalescent Care Center is designed to accommodate you for up to 72 hours if the Doctor decides that you would benefit from round the clock observation. Here you receive personalized, professional care from nurses with a critical care background in a relaxed environment. Each nurse has extra training in Advanced Cardiac Life Support and is highly skilled. We are fully equipped to take care of you as you rest and recover. Each private room has satellite TV, TV-Cable, CD players, telephone and wireless internet service. Meals are provided for our patients. Family may stay with patient if the patient wishes.